DC-80 A
Insight, Intelligence, and more
eXceptional intelligence
Intelligence throughout entire workflow
DC-80A with X-Insight provides exceptional intelligent solution for whole women healthcare, from fertility to prenatal screening and postpartum healthcare.
eXceeding Experience
Experience with high productivity
Exceeding experience in scanning results in more patient focus for high quality exams in both clarity and ease of use. The X-Insight provides outstanding ease of use with better ergonomics, easier scanning, and flexible management, even beyond your expectations.
Flexible and Unlimited
● Dual-Wing Floating Arm for extremely flexibility and minimum body height

● 5 active transducer sockets for less plug in and out
2 Clear and Detailed
● 23.8’’ Full HD monitor

● 13.3’’ Ultra-Slim touch screen with angle adjustment

3 Intuitive and Agile
● Powerful touch gesture based workflow

● MedSight App with more interaction and convenience